Off-season Perks

The season might be coming to a close, but our rental deals are heating up!
- We’ve discounted everything 12%!
- These rates apply on all trips beginning Labor Day weekend and ending after Memorial Day weekend.
- Rent our 2650S for $220 a day - save $30
- Rent our 3170DS for $242 a day - save $33
- Rent our 3050S for $264 a day - save $36
- An additional 25 miles each day for free! That's 125 miles a day of free travel!
- In addition, we’ve instituted a full time discount for Police/Fire/Military/Seniors!
- This is a full year, anytime discount program!
- $25 off of any rental up to a week
- $100 off of any rental of a week or more
- An additional 50 miles a day for free!